The fund is run entirely by volunteers
The fund is run entirely by volunteers
Judy - Founder
Judy has been a Veterinary Technician on the Peninsula for over ten years
and volunteered at the Kenai Animal Shelter for two. She realized through these experiences how many dogs and cats on the Peninsula are homeless, neglected and/or abandoned. Judy's original goal was to help at least one animal/owner per month. Because of wonderful volunteers and a caring community, we have far surpassed that goal!
Amanda - Board President
Amanda would prefer for her name to be Miss Kitty. She has worked as an animal advocate since she was 3 years old and has finely tuned that passion across the years. Being a volunteer at the Kenai Animal Shelter (for 15 years) has provided her with a perspective and a lifelong insight into the positive effects of spaying/neutering pets. Rescuing an animal is wonderful for that animal. But to truly affect change Spaying/neutering SAVES LIVES!
Shelley - Board Treasurer
Shelley was born in Illinois, raised in West Texas, and relocated to Alaska 40 years ago. She loves animals and numbers, hence her preoccupation with PSNF's finances. She has three rescue cats that she loves dearly, and would have LOTS more cats and dogs except she promised her husband, Dave, no more (boo). She "stalked" the Fund for years before she was asked to join the Board, and loves being involved with the nuts and bolts of the organization. She is a passionate animal advocate and absolutely dedicated to stopping the ongoing cycle of abandonment, abuse, and neglect of animals.
Ellen - Board Secretary
Ellen has lived on the Peninsula for 28 years, has been on the PSNF board since its inception, and has loved animals for her whole life. She volunteered at the Kenai Animal Shelter for about 8 years and saw the need to reduce the number of animals without homes. She saw spaying/neutering as the obvious solution so she set up a meeting with Judy and knew very quickly that this was a person who had the best interest of animals, people, and her community in mind. Ellen feels so fortunate to be a part of this program and has seen how the generosity of our donors makes it possible to help people in our community take better care of their pets, and, in turn, make our community a better place to live.
Kelly - Board Member
Kelly (Keating) Griebel was born and raised locally with pets her whole life. She's been a local Realtor at Century 21 for the last 22 years but her TRUE passion is saving animals. She's the co-founder of KPAL Rescue & has been on the PSNF Board for 5 years now. She sees the overpopulation problem through the Rescue that leads to abuse, neglect & even death of animals. IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THIS WAY. Spaying & neutering is THE best way to stop this horrible cycle & Kelly is dedicated to helping make this a reality for our community.
Michelle - Board Member
Michelle can't remember a time when she was not a cat-lover. Dogs have grown on her in adulthood, too :). She came to the peninsula in 2020 and joined the PSNF Board in 2022 after getting involved in local pet rescues as a dog and kitten foster. Through fostering, she knows how enticing it is to let your dog or cat have puppies and kittens (they are so cute!). But she also sees first-hand how challenging it is to find good homes for both young and older pets when there is an overabundance of puppies and kittens out there. Please choose to spay/neuter your pet <3.
The fund also is lucky to have dedicated volunteers that regularly help with events and fundraisers.
Thank you, Debbie and Barb!